Norbert Paquet

Norbert Paquet

Engineer in Telecommunication & High Speed Networks, I specialized into the Television Broadcast markets. I developped an expertize of European Broadcast Operations & Business through experiences on International Events (Olympics, World Cup) and several positions within Sony Europe. Today I am leading a multi cultural team from Europe and Japan and deal on day to day with different profiles from Sales, Marketing, Engineering and communication. This requires high sense of adaptation, mobility and communication. Team player and Customer focused I love to learn from people and nuture my curiosity about cultures, work and business.

Intervenant sur

La remote production pour tous ?

Conférence Broadcast Production
10/11/2022 | 10:30 - 11:30 | AGORA 2

Le sport à la télévision bientôt totalement en remote production ?

Conférence Broadcast Tournage
10/11/2022 | 12:00 - 13:00 | AGORA 2