Nicholas Pearce

Nicholas Pearce
Object Matrix


Having started his career in R&D, developing new technologies for AT&T Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, Qantas, and EMC, Nick co-founded Object Matrix in 2003 to address the challenges of managing burgeoning volumes of digital content being faced by organisations globally. Nick has been instrumental in the company’s global expansion and in raising Object Matrix’s profile to be recognised as the leading company for media-focused on-prem and cloud storage platforms.

Réseaux Sociaux

Intervenant sur

Protéger et sécuriser son patrimoine audiovisuel

Atelier & Démo Room
09/11/2022 | 10:30 - 11:30 |  Salle IVORY - 2ème étage PULLMAN 

Réutiliser et monétiser efficacement son catalogue de médias

Atelier & Démo Room
09/11/2022 | 15:00 - 16:00 |  Salle IVORY - 2ème étage PULLMAN 

AWS, une potentielle menace pour les éditeurs de logiciels ?

Atelier & Démo Room
10/11/2022 | 10:30 - 11:30 |  Salle IVORY - 2ème étage PULLMAN